
Stage Size: Large
Platforms: 6-8
Ceiling: High
Side Blast Zones: Small
Who can forget the streets of Onett, featured in the SNES cult classic Earthbound. The home of Ness and the start of his adventure, with such landmark moments as the meteorite, the first sanctuary and the battle with Frank and his Frankystein Mark II. Ever since Ness cleaned up the place, its gone from Shark infested to the ideal town for a Runaway Guy (or 5).
The stage is played on the backdrop of the Drugstore. Onett is famous for its platforms of which trees, awnings and clotheslines are all included. Onett also has a bit of a car problem, where the Runaway Bus will occasionally join the fun by hitting characters on the ground. It deals a whopping amount of damage, so be sure to use those platforms to the best of your abilities, but watch out! The awnings over the Drugstore have a tendency to drop you right into cars.